Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

THIS is it!!!  We are ending 2012 and the new year is about to begin!   I hope 2013 brings all of us much health and happiness!
I have NO IDEA what this year will be like in our home....we are bringing a baby into the world next month!  I am excited, scared, anxious, nervous, elated, EVERYTHING!  Today we are going for what will probably be our last ultrasound at the hospital, last night we took our infant care & feeding class and this week I finished cleaning out my desk so it is ready to become the changing table!  We are in the home stretch!!!  Speaking of stretching.....

35 weeks


As you ring in the new year tonight, before you make your resolutions and grand plans for 2013, take a moment to say "thank you" for 2012.  Recognize your accomplishments, acknowledge the people in your life, be thankful for your health and the challenges you have faced with grace and courage.  I know I have more to be grateful for with each passing year! 
Happy New Year everyone.....I can't wait to see what 2013 brings for all of us!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

You Always Need Your Parents.....

That's the title of my guest post this month on the Lucky Lil' Darlings website!  I'm honored to be among their moms keeping track of this amazing journey.  I hope you'll click on the link and check it out...this time it's all about Grandma & Grandpa Baca :)

My parents' recent visit reminded me how lucky we are and how much I still rely on them.  Maybe even more now that I'm about to be a parent myself.

Here's a sneak photo peek, but check out Lucky Lil' Darlings for the full story and "thank you note" to my parents.  :)

I'd love to hear how/if you still rely on your parents for sage advice and loving help....leave me a comment below.
Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 3, 2012

This is going FAST!!!!!!

I CANNOT believe it is December OR that I am in in my eighth month of pregnancy!  Let me get right to the belly pics that I have been remiss in posting!!

 28 weeks                                                                     32.5 weeks (last night)
Our little peanut is growing!  Now I'm feeling lots of playful movement from inside my belly, and I love it!!  Though every time I put daddy's hand on my belly it stops....Rob has that calming effect on me too :) 
We JUST took maternity photos with the super talented professional photographer and wonderful friend Lori Berkowitz !!  I highly suggest capturing this magical time on film.  It was fun to do as a couple and what a special way to remember this miracle!  I'll post a sneak peak when I get one!
We have been busily getting the baby's room ready for his/her arrival in late January and were VERY fortunate to have my parents' help over Thanksgiving.  We had a great time with them setting up the crib, sewing curtains (my mom did that....we just selected fabric), trying out gliders...Grandpa almost fell asleep in most of them, so we can't trust his opinion :) and just enjoying their company.  Sadly, we won't be able to go to New Mexico for Christmas this year because it's too close to our due date.  Happily, we had a great time with my parents while they were here!  My mom brought a fantastic array of my baby memorabilia (this is where I get my pack rack tendencies).  It was so fun to see my baby pictures and even more fun to see my parents' hairstyles & wardrobe!!  Check this out, a pair of shoes my Grandma Isabel gave me in the ORIGINAL box!!
Now, before and after nursery pictures are forthcoming.  However, while we put on the finishing touches and mom makes the full transition from office to nursery (AKA cleans her stuff out!)  here's my favorite corner.
This little spot represents four generations of my family.  The circular mirrors belonged to my Grandma Isabel and hung in her house for as long as I can remember.  My mom bought her grand baby the adorable monkey lamp shade over the Thanksgiving weekend, the very existence of the room is my (and Rob's) vision for our child and baby Jaekel will complete the circle in her/his crib here. 
In case there was any doubt how excited my parents are to be grandparents (and even more exciting...twice over as Andrea is also pregnant!!) or you missed this photo when it hit Facebook.....

 More to come.............