Every month I create a new series for class and write you a little note of inspiration. Here are my words of wisdom for January!!
“I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight….” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! What a perfect day to ask you to think about YOUR dreams.
Yes, I am writing in the middle of the month instead of at the beginning. But you know what? If you’re inbox is like mine, this month you’ve had no shortage of “New Year New You” newsletters J
So, here’s your mid-month reminder that we’re gonna rock 2012! I’m switching it up and revealing the series we'll be saying in class first!
2012 it is my time!
I train to be the change
I focus my mind.
On love, of self
On joy and health.
I call up greatness
I expect the best.
Success is mine
I won’t settle for less!
I am playing full out!
I am going all in!
It’s me against my fear
And I’m going to win!
My greatest power is belief I can do it
I’m willing right now!
Watch me, I’ll prove it!
I ask for clarity
I focus on joy
I recognize my strength
I listen to my voice.
If you’ve been in class this month, you know the new intenSati mantra is “train to be the change”. Have you asked yourself where you want to see change in your life? Are you willing to try something new even if it’s scary? And think about the word TRAIN….it doesn’t say immediately see the change….it says TRAIN…which implies a commitment, persistence, practice….are you WILLING to train? Train doesn’t always mean physical action either….this is one of my lessons this month.
Did you know that I have struggled with weight my whole life? That for the last eleven years of my life I have maintained roughly my current weight through vigorous exercise and diligent healthy eating habits? That I rarely go two days without working out and when I do, you don’t want to be around me because I am GRUMPY! Really nice right?
Well, for more than a year I have needed vein surgery on BOTH of my legs which meant NO WORKING OUT for two weeks! No flying either and you have to wear “sexy” compression thigh highs while you heal. Last year, with two weddings, multiple trips and the pre-wedding fitness regime….I was NOT WILLING to do this. So I waited, until this year. Now, I am at the beginning of a new year when I want to teach a lot of classes and I’m still nurturing my intenSati for Mommies class and it’s post holiday and I don’t want to NOT work out but I’m not flying anywhere, I’m not getting any better and if I WANT to get pregnant, I CAN’T do it while I am, and it will just get worse. Are you hearing the conversation in my head?? Wait! It gets better….
I teach fitness, I NEED my veins in my legs to work properly! I KNOW this but I have to be WILLING to embrace the training necessary to get better which is do NOTHING. I can’t do nothing! I’m going to gain weight! I’m not going to get rid of the holiday excess! No one’s going to come to class! I’ll be miserable! Two weeks is too long! Those stocking will make me look weird! What are these? THOUGHTS….that’s all….just thoughts…except the one about the stockings…they DO make me look weird J.
My point is that I say I WANT a healthy body, but I HAVE to be WILLING to TRAIN to be healthy and my training right now is rest and care. This is something I was afraid to do. It’s something I’m still struggling with, but I get ONE MORE WEEK to try and get it right!
Are you WILLING to TRAIN to be the CHANGE in your own life?? Where do you want to see change? How BIG are you willing to dream? The bigger the dream, the bigger the fear….but that’s ok, we’re in it together and with some TRAINING, SELF LOVE, and care we’ll BEAT that FEAR this year!
Join me in the training!! Come to class…I may not be moving but I can still lead J
With love and gratitude,
intenSati for Mommies, intenSati for Papis, intenSati for EVERYBODY!!
I’ve been calling it intenSati for Mommies, but you know what?
LOTS of peeps who don’t have kids WANT intenSati on Wednesday mornings on the Upper West Side SO I’m being flexible in my vision and creating change
*We STILL have on-site childcare with 24-hour advance RSVP
*We STILL have end of month talks, but focus will be half mommy/half other GREAT stuff!
*We STILL have one hour every week of a$$ kicking intenSati!!
*NEW price…..four class package $60 (must be used consecutively), single class $20 (childcare additional)
Do you have some excess lbs. you wanna lose AND want to practice healthier eating habits? I just led three lovely ladies through an easy to follow Isagenix 9-day cleanse. They lost 19 pounds and 13 inches!! Contact me if you want in on the next group…we start February 1!!